MSB Law News & Information


The Transfer Of Real Property In An Estate In Georgia

Posted by Estate Planning Attorney Michael Burnett In Georgia, an estate is subject to taxation and collection by creditors for debts owed by the deceased. If an estate includes real property, the executor of the estate has the fiduciary duty to ensure that debts and other priority claims have been paid before transferring any real property to beneficiaries in your will. Even if you have a large sum of debt,


Using The FTC “Red Flags Rule” To Protect Your Business Profits

Credit card fraud costs businesses over $190 billion dollars each year. Yes, that is billions with a “B!” The holiday season is a popular time of the year for scam artists to steal identities and use stolen or fake credit cards. Taking some proactive steps and complying with the Red Flags Rule will help keep your business from losing revenue from accepting a stolen or fake credit card. The Federal


MSB Business Tip: Develop Loyal Employees For The Success Of Your Business

Loyal employees are just as important as loyal customers. The right employees will allow you to grow your business and reach new levels of success. Build on your employee loyalty by showing them respect and gratitude. You can show your employees respect and gratitude by simply complimenting them for great work, being flexible when they need time off, listening to their concerns and suggestions, and offering incentives for reaching specific


How To Nominate A Guardian Of Your Minor Children In The Event Of Your Death

For parents the gift of a child is a precious one to be cherished and protected. No parent wants to think about their own mortality, but the reality is that you never know. Every parent should plan for the unfortunate circumstance of their child suddenly being left parentless before they reach the age of 18. Do you trust your family or the state to make the right decision about who


Drafting A Partnership Agreement For A Successful Joint Venture

Forming a partnership, even when with a trusted friend or colleague, should be done so with the foresight to protect yourself and your new joint venture. By formally setting the rules of the partnership at the formation of the business, you are setting your business up for success. A well drafted Partnership Agreement anticipates the issues that may arise in the future and sets expectations for each partner early on.


Estate Planning: Will You Lose Your Inheritance To Taxes, Fees And Costs?

If you have a spouse, child, or assets worth over $5,000,000 than you need to read this article. Proper estate planning may save your family the financial and emotional drain of costly court fees, legal battles, and excessive estate taxes in the event of your demise. While estate planning is undoubtedly relevant to most adults in all socio-economic levels, there are numbers to suggest that 71% of adults under the